Telehealth Appointments

Thank you for considering the CEC for your care

Dr Sinervo does not offer new patient telehealth appointments. Please see our in-office appointment or free records review pages for potential new patient office appointments/case reviews with him. Thank you.

We have a number of new patient telehealths available weekly with Dr Eugenio-Colon. If you’re interested in booking a video appointment with him, please call us and our friendly staff will be delighted to review his available dates, costs and specific details with you. In general, however, the cost of a new patient telehealth appointment with Dr Eugenio-Colon is $250.00, payable in advance.

Telehealth appointments may be requested by phoning
(770) 913-0001 ext 100. Thank you.

Free Case Review

Both Dr Sinervo and Dr Eugenio-Colon provide free case evaluations. You are free to choose either surgeon, or “no preference” if you do not have a specific request. Please note that case reviews are not conducted on a rush basis; all evaluations are given the full and careful attention they deserve in the order in which files are received. Case reviews may take as long as 4 weeks in some circumstances before hearing from the reviewing surgeon, as they are conducted on the basis of the reviewing surgeon’s availability. Thank you for understanding.

We are very grateful for the time and effort you will put into gathering your package for the privilege of our review; we know you have a choice of surgeons and are very honored to be among those you are considering for your care.

Regrettably, we are unable to process any submissions that are missing or contain erroneous data (e.g., incomplete address, incorrect email), so we kindly ask you to double-check your entries. Thank you for helping us to efficiently help you or a loved one!