References & Testimonials
References & Testimonials
We do not compensate for reviews. Any and all material herein has been provided by verified patients and no use of AI is ever engaged in patient testimonials.
If you have been a patient and would like to serve as a reference, please contact us. These are voluntary testimonials which have not been edited with the exception of certain identifying information where necessary. Please also visit other testimonials elsewhere on the web. For example, you will find over 500 combined, independent reviews at the following sites (among many others on the Internet and on various endo groups):
Bird’s Eye (aggregate reviews)
Check out some of Dr Eugenio-Colon’s many positive reviews here
Read Kate’s story here: https://endogirlblog.com/about/
Check out Laura’s endo story
Don't miss My Journey with Endometriosis & Adenomyosis
What our patients are saying:
"Dr. Sinervo is by far the most amazing doctor and surgeon I have ever had. He is so caring, compassionate and understanding to what you have been thru and takes the time to listen to you, validate you and explain in detail his treatment plan. He is incredibly responsive to getting you whatever you need and quickly. I have an entourage of doctor's and he is stellar across the board. He went above and beyond in order to get me feeling better as quick as possible, all while uplifting you me in my darkest moments. My absolute favorite moment with Dr. Sinervo is when he held my hand and prayed with me before surgery. Dr. Sinvervo is a gift straight from God doing his work in the OR. I am so grateful to have him caring for me. I am forever grateful to Dr. Sinervo. "
"If you have Endometriosis or Adenomyosis, you know the difficulty in getting your diagnosis much less finding a doctor who is knowledgeable about the diseases and familiar with what treatments work. Dr. Sinervo is not only a skilled and knowledgeable physician, but he truly cares. He will listen to you and answer any questions you may have. You will never feel rushed or brushed off. And the best thing is he knows what you are going through, sympathizes and can give you your life back. He is an extremely skilled, compassionate doctor. Have your voice heard and your pain resolved. He's the best!"
"I have spent 20 years of my life in excruciating pain, often curled up in my bed, hoping to be free from the debilitating disease that controlled my life. By the time I was in my early 30’s, the pain had become chronic and intolerable. I tried everything- birth control pills, surgeries, yoga, acupuncture, Chinese herbal remedies-- but the pain was merciless. Day and night, I read books on how to live with pain. I detested my life. I stopped doing things I once loved- hanging out with friends, watching movies, cooking, reading, traveling. I was exasperated at how the chronic pain made me immobile, fatigued and depressive. I silently prayed for a pain-free life, every waking minute. I resented the emotional and financial toll that my Stage IV endometriosis took on my family in the US and in India—the huge loans for failed dreams of having a baby, my parents’ and sister’s frantic and nervous phone calls from India, my husband’s relentless concern for my suffering and his undying love for me, and my own alienation from my work and social life. It took me a little too long to discover Dr. Sinervo and CEC, but when I finally did, he gave me my life back! I am 7 months out of surgery and I haven’t taken a single pain medication since then! My new life feels like a dream and not a day goes by when I do not think of Dr. Sinervo’s role in my battle with this cruel disease. A genius in his own right, he is also the kindest, humblest doctor I have met in my 35-years. Words fail me when I think of him, his expertise and infinite compassion. From the very first phone call ( he actually calls up his patients and gives them a trajectory of the treatment even before meeting them) to the post-operative appointment - Dr. Sinervo personifies hope, generosity, warmth and care. He never tired in answering my million panicked pre-operative questions, held my hands and prayed with me moments before my surgery, and was there to greet me once I was endo-free! What more can a woman who has silently suffered paralyzing pain for years and have been dismissed by “experts,” ever ask for? He is a godsend to women like me. He successfully excised all endo from my organs without doing a hysterectomy. None of the countless doctors I had seen so far even considered that a possibility. “ Try for a baby immediately” or “total hysterectomy”- were the only possible remedies so far suggested. No one ever empathized or understood the near-impossibility of conceiving when you are in agonizing pain 24X7 (not to mention that Stage IV endometriosis affects your fertility anyway). The other amazing thing with Dr. Sinervo is that I did not feel any discomfort the moment I woke up from my surgery! I have had 4 surgeries before and terrible associated memories of waking up in pain. With Dr. Sinervo, I woke up from a 5 hour-long surgery and already felt better!
CEC made me feel important and personally cared for. Having had my suffering trivialized over the years by doctors, for the first time ever I felt validated about my painful condition. Everyone at CEC was phenomenal. Nurses Britney and Marilyn, both incredibly friendly and efficient who invariably managed to cheer me up, no matter how nervous I was. Jean, who with her unwavering patience never tired in answering my million questions about insurance, billing and post-operative care. Alex, Arielle and Anna, supremely competent and accommodating, who even filled out prescriptions for me on a late Friday evening when CEC officially was closed! As for Heather, no superlatives can truly capture her dedication, professionalism and kindness. I cannot thank her enough for her untiring practical help and constant emotional support as my family and I went through this difficult phase. From the logistics of finding best, affordable accommodations for my parents (who flew from India for my surgery) to answering my infinite questions about pretty much everything, to just being there for us, she truly is amazing. In her, I not only found a medical researcher and advocate, but one of my best well-wishers and a dear friend.
CEC redefines the meaning of compassionate care in the medical community. My experience at CEC has changed my perspective towards life as well. I plan to actively spread awareness about the disease for as long as I live. Thank you Dr. Sinervo, Heather and the entire CEC family for making what seemed impossible to me, a beautiful reality - the reality of actually leading a life where I can once again travel, cook, read, see the world, prepare to become a mother, all without any pain - emotional and physical! To all women suffering from this painful disease, I can only say this: You will never regret making a trip to see Dr. Sinervo! Yes, he will fix you! You will come back a changed, healthier, happier you! Thank you Dr. Sinervo for empowering countless women every day!" - SC
"After years of poor treatment and being dismissed by doctors, I was on the verge of leaving grad school because of the debilitating pain I was experiencing on a daily basis. Dr Sinervo gave me hope with the first phone call. I literally sobbed in relief after getting that phone call. Many doctors had suggested that I needed more hormone treatments, a hysterectomy, or to see a therapist to learn how to deal with the pain. Dr Sinervo identified two additional conditions that were contributing to my pain and developed a treatment plan that has resulted in significant permanent reduction of pain. After a few more weeks of healing, I fully expect to be pain free. I'm only 3 weeks post op and I already feel better than I have in years. I actually felt better immediately upon waking up in recovery, but that could be partly due to my pain meds! :-) Dr Sinervo understands the physical struggle caused by endometriosis, but he also understands the emotional exhaustion so many of us experience because of years of poor treatment and misinformed health professionals. He has built a practice of caring and skilled staff members, from the program director and surgery coordinator to the nursing staff. Many of his employees have dealt with endometriosis themselves, so the entire practice is a breath of fresh air for a jaded endo sufferer who had lost hope for sufficient treatment. You can't go wrong with Dr Sinervo and the CEC. He will make you feel better and he will involve you and your family throughout the entire process. Not only is he highly skilled, but he is also extremely compassionate. In my previous surgery, the doctor was never present when I was conscious. Dr S was there for pre-op, he talked to me in the OR, he held my hand as I went under, he was there to talk to my family when I went to recovery, and then he came to check on me the next morning in the outpatient recovery unit before discharging me. He also had a post-op for me at his office before I left town to return home and has been amazingly responsive to any questions I have had since coming home. At the in-office consult a couple of months before surgery, the pre-op, and the post-op, I felt like all of my questions were answered fully. I never felt rushed or ignored. In fact, Dr S even reminded me to write down the answers to the questions I took to my post-op when I started rushing through them out of habit. I was worried that my doctor would "escape" before I got through everything (habit) and he was focused on making sure I was ready to go home. Truly an endo superhero, Dr Sinervo is dedicated to making women's lives better!" - M.
"I just wanted to thank you for all of your help and your amazing responsiveness! I had my surgery on [redacted for privacy] and while the recovery is slow, I'm so thankful to have found the CEC and my stage 4 endo excised!! I had a wonderful experience every step of the way with the CEC. When I first sent my records I was so sick and so scared. Your responsiveness and kindness was so comforting. Thanks for everything, and please let me know if there is anything I can do for the CEC. I am deeply appreciative for the phenomenal level of care that I received." - SK
JD wrote: "Just wanted to say "Thank you" to all of you for all the help and the surgery. I was so pleased with everyone their at the office and the hospital. I am doing good still very sore, trying not to over do it, but just very thankful for all the help you all gave me, and my husband while in Atlanta. I have told several already about you all, on how great the service is. Dr. Sinervo was the best. When he prayed with me before surgery, I had a peace that everything was going to be okay. Just wanted to thank you again for all your help."
J said: “I thank Dr. Sinervo every single day for the quality of life he has given me. First and foremost, let me assure you you're absolutely in the best surgical hands with Dr Sinervo and his team. He performed my surgery almost a year ago and today I am a living testament to his skill and his ability to restore those suffering with endometriosis. After consulting with 5 surgeons who all claimed to perform this specialized surgery, I learned there are only 2 in the Atlanta area that can perform a supracervical hysterectomy while simultaneously removing all endometriosis lesions in & outside the uterus. My case was severe! After suffering with endometriosis for 20 years and the associated debilitating pain and swelling, today I am pain-free and swelling-free. While you're considering the surgeon that's right for you, I encourage you to do your homework. I did my researched through Vitals.com, Healthgrade.com, Suggestadoctor.com, and Ratemds.com as well as hystersisters and every other website I could find. You will find that not all surgeons are equal in their skill or their medical history (malpractice claims). Do your homework! Here is how I applied for a PPO Waiver:
Verify if your health care insurance plan has a PPO Waiver provision. You can do this by calling your health insurance provider and asking. If so, advise you wish to apply for a PPO Waiver and would like to have a specialized out of network surgeon perform your surgery as your medical condition requires the advanced specialize skill that only 1 or 2 surgeons in Atlanta can perform. If asked, go into more detail about your medical condition. File for the PPO Waiver in the following names: CEC, Dr. Ken Sinervo, and the name of any Assistant Surgeon who will partner with Dr Sinervo to perform your surgery. If the PPO Waiver Specialist contacts you for more information, provide it only then.
I am with [removed for privacy] and have my insurance plan through my employer which has a PPO Waiver provision. Many health insurance plans have this provision, but many patients don't ask because they don't know about it. I personally work for an insurance company so I was equipped with this knowledge. Regardless of the outcome of your PPO Waiver, I strongly encourage you to choose Dr. Sinervo and his team to perform your surgery if you are able. The outcome is life restoring!
P.S.-I was absolutely paralyzed by fear to get my surgery done. That was the worst part of the process. I cried a lot before my surgery, just soooo scared. Within a couple hours after my surgery, I was walking the hospital floors (the nurses make you), but I was walking fast with a sweet smile on my face and I just kept saying over and over...."I DID IT...I'M SO PROUD OF ME!" Truth is, I couldn't have done any of it without Dr Sinervo, his expertise, and his unwavering compassion.”
CB "I first came to CEC after years of struggling with horrible, painful periods and I was diagnosed with Endo from a local gyno doctor in Dec. 2006 and I was ok for 2 months after lap surgery...then the pain came back even more debilitating than before and I cried and cried and prayed to God to help find an answer. I wasn't going to settle being put on hormone shots so I began my own search on the internet. I just knew there had to be someone, somewhere that had a better solution to Endo. That's when I discovered CEC and Heather was great in explaining to me about how excision surgery was different than just burning the lesions. I was so impressed when Dr. Sinervo called me personally. We scheduled surgery for 7-25-07 and I have to admit I was very nervous traveling to GA from IL but my husband was very supportive. Everything was easy from getting from airport to hotel and the CEC staff does an excellent job with travel information as well as medical information. I not only had 1 surgery I had 2...the first Dr S removed my uterus as I had adenomyosis and he removed all endo which I had a level III moderate amount. I returned home and within 2 weeks was back to my normal routine. I remained pain free for about 3 years. Then I went back in 2010 to have my left ovary removed. It also involved the bowel was wrapped around the ovary no wonder it felt like it was twisting. I have never been treated so well by any medical staff member as all at the CEC treated me. The Northside hospital staff were very helpful as well...I am doing well now...I had somewhat of a setback last summer but I believe that my pain was caused by not eating right and lack of exercise...I took some pelvic floor physical therapy last summer and that helped tremendously. Now I work out 3-4 times /week and eat a healthier diet and I feel much better and have lost some extra pounds. I still have 1 ovary and I am going to be 39 next week. Thank you, Dr. Sinervo and the entire staff at CEC...God Bless you for all you do for all of us!"
PP “Thanks Dr Sinervo for helping to end so much of my pain - I feel like myself again! :)”
DS “Thank God for doctors like Dr. Sinervo! For once in my life I have hope for overcoming the horrible effects of this disease thanks to him! In the process of getting my records to the CEC and Dr. Sinervo has already reached out to me to answer questions and offer me compassion and guidance. So rare these days!”
MC “Saved my life from pain and anguish.”
MW CEC is wonderful! Top notch!
PM Thank you CEC for all you've done for me :) You all have been such an enormous help and always are so kind to my mom and I :))) thanks again!
AJ That's why we came 6 hours away to see the very best! You are all the best and we are so thankful to have found yall!
AB "I love the CEC and anytime someone hears that a friend has Endo, they tell them to call me and I always recommend CEC. You cannot even understand what a life changer your procedure has been for me. To go from so much pain to completely pain free - and now to fulfill my dream of motherhood is absolutely incredible and a true blessing to me. I will forever be grateful."
ST “I just wanted to send you a quick post-op update/thank you. My surgery was [removed for privacy] and I feel WONDERFUL! I never really thought of myself as ‘sick’, nonetheless, I am pleased to report (thanks to you), I have noticed a significant increase in my day to day quality of life. I cannot ever remember feeling this good! I don’t know how to explain it, but I actually feel taller; I am finally able to stand up straight and never noticed before that I was hunched over. I’ve also noticed that it doesn’t bother me to wear my seatbelt anymore. I haven’t missed any days at work, at the gym, or any social events since my recovery! I’ve got to tell you, I am sooooo looking forward to using my PTO time at work for vacations instead of taking sick time! I have lost almost ten pounds since my surgery; solely because I am not in pain and I am able to work out harder and longer than I have before (my personal trainer has commented that I have much less attitude than before my surgery, so he sends his “THANKS” to you, too). I am extremely happy about the weight loss, in particular, because I have been ‘stuck’ at my old weight for around six years. I’m basically feeling fabulous and continuously feeling better and better. Thank you so much for your help! Everyone in your office and at the hospital was extremely nice and very helpful. I told [the hubby] when we got home that it was nice to not have to ask for anything. The nurses took such good care of me, in the hospital, that they anticipated what I needed for my recovery before I even thought about needing it. If a nurse came in and asked me if I needed anything, and my reply was ‘no’, she would always think of something that would make me more comfortable during my pre and post op stay (the list was endless: hot tea for my sore throat, more ice for my water, a few crackers ‘just in case you want them later’, an extra blanket from the warmer). After experiencing four previous surgeries, I thought I knew what to expect; I am pleased to report my expectations of your staff and the hospital staff were definitely exceeded. I have never been treated with as much kindness by medical personnel in my previous experiences. Every interaction with your office staff from beginning to end was also a pleasure. They were each extremely helpful in obtaining the necessary information for my insurance appeal, as well as, providing any information I requested. Working in the medical billing field, myself, I understand sometimes we are the worst customers. No matter how many times I called and “bugged” them, they were extremely professional and courteous. I cannot express the gratitude I have for you; you will forever be appreciated. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!”
“A grateful mom”: “I wouldn't hesitate to tell anyone and everyone about our experience at CEC and would gladly be a reference for anyone considering this option. Northside Hospital was better than expected. [Name withheld] had a recovery nurse that had graduated from the same high school in Little Rock where [the patient] used to go, so they hit it off immediately. We are writing a thank you note to the amazing ladies in the pharmacy at Publix on Hammond Drive. In keeping with all the other steps leading up to our surgery, we tried to fill [the patient’s] prescriptions there and realized we didn't have our pharmacy insurance card with us. The pharmacist called insurance and then called our pharmacy back home to get the information she needed to be able to fill the prescriptions even though we didn't have our insurance card with us. Then, as an extra treat, they put a Hershey kiss in the bag with the pills! We went back to the pharmacy tonight after we left the hospital and they recognized us and were concerned about how [the patient] was doing. It might be 'just their job' but it's rare to find people that act like they really care these days. As you are aware, it's been a long road for us to get to this point. But after all we've been through, I'm still so happy that we went to the extra effort to get [her] endometriosis treated at CEC.”
C “I am indebted to you and all the staff at the Center and all the hospital personnel who made it such a wonderful experience and all their expertise made it sooo easy. (Except for the bowel prep of course :) I have my life back thanks to all of you!!!!”
K “Seriously, I am just so thankful. And I am passionate about spreading the word that there is HOPE to get rid of all endometriosis and not just partially treat it over and over like most doctors will tell patients. I am STILL in shock that I ended up pregnant just 3 months after surgery. My husband and I were just thrilled that I was pain-free....we weren't even daring to believe that the fertility issues were gone too!“
“I just had an excision lap at the Center for Endometriosis Care in Atlanta, Georgia. As soon as I was awake, I felt IMMEDIATE relief from my endo pain. I admit that there was a LITTLE (and I do mean a VERY LITTLE) amount of post op DISCOMFORT (not pain). I have since felt ABSOLUTELY NO ENDO PAIN!!! My advice: skip the superficial burning/ablation laparoscopy, and save up your money instead for a trip to Atlanta, Georgia. You WILL NOT regret this trip. I guarantee it (and I hardly ever endorse or guarantee anything). The "burn" lap that I had [previously] did more harm to me than it did good. Please at least take advantage of the Center for Endo's FREE consultation program. Once you have been to the Center for Endo, you will be able to understand my high praise of this place, as no one else can (if you haven't been there, then if I were to tell you how wonderful this place really is, you probably wouldn't believe me, and you wouldn't be able to fathom a place so wonderful, calming, considerate, sympathetic, and feminine, with people so knowledgeable, intelligent, and just plain wonderful!!!) Other than having been treated there and receiving my miracle, I have no affiliation with them.”
C is an ICU nurse who came to have surgery with us. Her disease was significant, with extensive bowel involvement, and ultimately required our extended team to meticulously operate for many hours. In a letter of appreciation, she stated, '…From the first time I spoke to you on the phone until this very day, I am so impressed with you all. All my questions were answered and my anxiety level was nil when I left your office…The morning of surgery, I needed no anti-anxiety medication, because I felt so confident in my choice of physicians that I was totally calm…The last thing I remember was Dr. Sinervo holding my hand; he told me that you would all take good care of me and I would be fine…10 hours later when I awoke in PACU, you were at my bedside again providing comfort, support and information…My husband and family were so impressed by how you kept them totally up to date with phone conversations during the surgery and how you actually came out to speak to my husband at one point during surgery and again after…I would love to share with your patients how wonderful, compassionate and skilled you are…I know that my problems are now abolished, I feel so much better already and am not even 3 weeks out of surgery…I will never hesitate to recommend you to anyone that I come across needing care for Endometriosis...please do not hesitate to use me as a reference for any future patients."
S traveled from Tennessee to have surgery with the CEC. A week later, she was “out enjoying Autumn activities with her family.”
N came to the CEC for surgery with Dr. Sinervo. She wants other potential patients to know that she was "very impressed with the CEC team,"as well as the "overall professionalism displayed and given to patients." She wanted us to share her comments as a source of encouragement to others facing this puzzling disease. “After years of pain and an unsuccessful surgery, I sought help at the CEC as a last resort. My pain was severe and interfering with my daily life, and I had recently been diagnosed with infertility. As I began trying to make difficult decisions about starting fertility treatments, I realized that I needed to get myself healthy before having a baby. From the first contact with Heather to the post-surgery follow-up with Dr. Sinervo, the whole experience with the CEC was wonderful. Dr. Sinervo and all of the staff are compassionate, patient, and clearly experts in their field. They made every effort to answer my questions and concerns promptly both before and after surgery. My surgery with Dr. Sinervo not only relieved my pain, but I became pregnant just 3 months later without the use of fertility drugs. Today, 1.5 years later, I feel great and am enjoying my baby girl!”
I cannot recommend Dr. Sinervo and the CEC highly enough! I had been experiencing severe pelvic pain six months after surgery in 2013 (by a different doctor) and found Dr. Sinervo online. He determined that my endometriosis may have returned, as well as scar tissue and/or adhesions. Dr. Sinervo recommended that I undergo a laparoscopic procedure to examine my pelvic region; the surgery took place five weeks later. The surgery revealed that my endometriosis was indeed back (or hadn't been thoroughly removed during my prior surgery) and my colon was adhered to my abdominal wall. It has been two weeks since my surgery and I'm feeling much better already.
Dr. Sinervo and his staff are incredibly knowledgeable, compassionate, and great with follow-up help. I have been in touch with them every few days for the past four weeks and they are fantastic at staying in touch and answering questions. One of my favorite things about the CEC is that someone ALWAYS answers the phone when you call; no voice mail, long hold times, etc.
I am so grateful to have found Dr. Sinervo and his staff. I am very confident that I am truly on the mend now.
I have had two surgeries with Dr. Sinervo and I recommend him to all of my endosisters. I have never been treated with such compassion and kindness, then how I was taken care of by the staff at the CEC as well as Northside Hospital.
It's important to understand that your recovery will take time, it's been a year since my first one and I am just starting to feel "normal". After surgery, I needed pelvic floor physical therapy to help ease the pain caused be being in a tightly wound ball for so long. I am still in PT and have to start over in my workout routines. It's not the surgeon, it's the disease and all of the "ripples" from it.
Recovery takes patience and dedication. You need to realize that you will still have some pain after the surgery, your body won't know the difference from endometriosis orthe surgery to remove it, it all still sends pain signals to your brain without discrimination. Obviously, there will be relief, if there isn't then you need to discuses further issues.
For example, My brain would tell me my uterus was cramping, even when it wasn't there! So, there's a psychological aspect to recovery too. I had to visualize a healthy, functioning uterus and remind myself that the source of the pain, the endo and uterus, weren't there. After practicing technique a few times, the pain subsided.
Another important part of recovery is making sure your bowels have the time to heal and avoid constipation. Constipation will land you in the ER with the same symptoms of endo bc your full bowels will be pressing on your tender abdomen. Treatment of Endometriosis needs to be a multidisciplinary approach. Physical therapy, psychological changes, diet changes and patience.
Dr. Sinervo has treated me better than any other doctor I've ever met, even calling me on the 4th of July during his BBQ to ease my mind after my second surgery.
He still checks up on me. What doctor does that?!
A few words simply can't express what I found @ the Center for Endometriosis with Dr. Ken Sinervo. I don't have Endometriosis, but read about their Center online. I had a colectomy replacing my colon with a J-Pouch back in 2001 due to severe Ulcerative Colitis. First, I must say, my husband & I were pleasantly surprised that Dr. Sinervo knew much about that surgery (not many doctors are familiar with the details of it, except my colorectal specialist). This surgery created scar tissue which over the years have not caused many problems. However, due to a current Laparoscopy, it was determined that the adhesions were engulfing my ovaries (which we knew from previous Laps), engulfing my tubes & attaching them to my J-Pouch. We were perplexed, because it made no sense that after many years, this scar tissue would all of a sudden cause 24/7 pain in a band around my lower abdomen & back. The pain was a cramping, throbbing pain much more severe than regular menstrual cramps. I was taking Ultram/Ibuprofen & ruled out Muscular Spinal issues & Bladder issues with a series of X-Rays, MRI's, Cystoscopy, Ultrasounds, etc...My Ob/Gyn did feel that there was a possible infection called Endometritis. Once the Lap was done, that was ruled out also.
When researching I found the Center for Endo's website through an online interview with a lady regarding her Endo issues. I emailed her & she wrote right back! She gave so much information & it turned out that she worked for Dr. Sinervo as his Surgical Program Director. She informed me that Dr. Sinervo removes all adhesions, not only Endometriosis.
In the past, when my husband & I first found out about the adhesions on my ovaries, we were told we could not conceive. Scar tissue removal was not an option. All doctors/surgeons would tell me that it grows back immediately. However, Dr. Sinervo says all adhesions should be removed & there is a less than 15% chance for the tissue to return if done correctly. This was new information to us. He is a PIONEER in his medical field!
It was suggested to me to mail my current laparoscopy results & other medical information, as well as a written document to explain my history. I mailed that package in quickly. Dr. Sinervo reviewed it for free & called us for a free phone consultation. His diagnosis (based on my medical files & symptoms) was that I had Adenomyosis in my Uterus. He recommended a partial hysterectomy, leaving possibly my cervix and one ovary.
His confidence in his diagnosis was what ultimately made our decision. He did not talk down to us, although, he clearly knew his stuff! He was patient on the phone, not in a rush while listening & answering our questions without talking over us. In addition, he supplied us with much knowledge. He didn't hesitate or throw around several possibilities. He simply diagnosed it because he has seen so much of it.
Although confident, he showed no haughtiness/pride. In fact, he IS quite humble! He cares for his patients & their well-being.
He prayed with me the morning of surgery in pre-op & held my hand while they put me under anesthesia. The first time we met in person, there was a hug & some more after that. His staff (office/hospital) said that he does this with all his patients, by the way. He is very compassionate, kind & gentle. His staff loves to work with him, which tells much about his character/integrity.
His staff & hospital staff are extremely well trained & efficient, unlike any others I've seen before, & with my medical history, I've seen a lot. They made everything simple, including info. on the financial aspect & a well organized package sent to us to fill out & read. It was extraordinarily impressive, to say the least. Everything runs like clockwork there!
Dr. Sinervo found a cyst on my uterus which had been contributing to my unexplained "chronic" pain for those few months. Also, he said that the adhesions were literally binding my organs together (due to the major surgery in 2001 plus 3 Laps), & the Adenomyosis (endometrial lining growing into the uterine muscles....who ever heard of this???) were also contributors. Now we don't have to ask "why" this sudden onset of chronic pain? We simply say thank you, Dr. Sinervo for your incredible expertise & genuine personality.
Most of all, this was my first surgery where I didn't experience any complications. For example, unknown or wound infections, bladder issues & incompetent hospital staff. Dr. Sinervo & staff took very good care of me before, "DURING" & after surgery. I emphasize "DURING" since his careful, skillful process took away scar tissue with very little to no bleeding & new tissue is not expected. One can imagine how meticulous a surgeon must be to do a minimally invasive surgery with no damage to other organs. I highly recommend Dr. Sinervo! For any scar tissue... HE'S YOUR MAN!
I can not recommend Dr. Sinervo enough! I am currently 2 1/2 weeks post op and I already feel so much better than before. I had an ovarian remnant that the doctors in my hometown wouldn't touch. It was causing so much pain, especially in my back from blocking my ureter. I sent my records to Dr. Sinervo, and within days he personally called me to tell me he could help. I was so amazed at how smoothly the whole pre-op process went with him and his staff. On the morning of my surgery, he came and prayed with me, and once I was in the operating room, he held my hand until I was asleep. They kept my family informed of what was going on during surgery. I stayed in the hospital overnight and my pain was COMPLETELY controlled. Anytime anyone in the hospital seen who my doctor was, they always congratulated me as having the best doctor that they had ever seen or been associated with.
I'm so thankful that I found Dr. Sinervo. He's is by far the most caring and compassionate doctor that I have EVER been to. If i ever have any problems in the future, I will make the drive to Atlanta to see him again. Dr. Sinervo is THE MAN!!
Dr Sinervo is simply the Best!! I had Excision/Partial Hyst..I am "Pain Free" I had Stage IV Endometrosis and Adenomyosis I got Chocolate Cysts, I had Adhensions from 2 past Surgeries (at the time of Surgery my Left Ovary was connected to my Bowels, My Left tube had a Cyst on it..So, if he can fix me he can fix anyone..I was Terrified to have more Surgery and a Partial Hyst but everyone on his team made it the Best Surgical Experience ..Heather from the CEC was emailing me and was a big help, everyone was sooo nice and compassionate, the Northside Hospital Nurses were Great as well(funny, they kept coming in my Hospital room asking why I am not pushing the buttons for Meds (anyone that has Endo knows how we struggle with getting Meds so, I thought it was funny) that's truly a testament to Dr Sinervo skill I woke up out of Pain..having lunch at the Atlanta Mall 2 days Post Op and Sight Seeing 4 days Post Op..I traveled from California to Atlanta (best decision I ever made) I wish every Dr was as kind and compassionate as Dr S ..even my Sister in Law (that is a Nurse) cannot believe the Amazing Care and follow up Care I have gotten ..U to can be Pain Free from a Disease that ruins Lives if u Listen and are willing to do what it takes Travel, Expense its all worth it.
I had surgery with Dr. Sinervo. He is an extremely compassionate physician who truly changed my life. I typically see only female gyns as I am uncomfortable with a male doc. He went above and beyond to make me as comfortable as possible. I am now almost 4 years post surgery, and am still endo pain free!!! Simply can not recommend Dr. Sinervo highly enough! Forever grateful to this awesome doc! The CEC was amazing throughout the entire process. Staff was friendly and helpful. Would recommend the CECto anyone!
I had stage four endo. Dr. Sinervo gave me my life back after years of horrible cyclic pain and then close to two years of daily acute abdominal pain and bowel issues that were only made worse after a different doctor performed my first surgery. When my other doctor said have a hysterectomy, I went to Dr. S. He performed an excision and now I am pain free, with hope of concieving. Besides all this, he and his staff are warm, caring, and any time I called I could always rely on a prompt response.
My review is not just about Dr. Sinervo, but about the staff at the Center for Endometriosis Care as well.
I traveled over 1300 miles round trip to have surgery with Dr. Sinervo in July. About 2 months before surgery, I sent registered with the CEC and sent in my records. Within 3 days I received a personal phone call from Dr. Sinervo himself. I was very impressed with how he spoke to me, he was very thorough and explained exactly what he thought would benefit me and why. I agreed to surgery, and he told me that his surgical coordinator (Jean) would be in touch with me.
The very next day Jean called to set up my surgery. My insurance company can be a bit confusing to work with, and Jean walked me through every step of getting referrals, getting my insurance to approve it, and figuring out the costs of surgery. I was very appreciative to have a such a kind woman help me through the 'red-tape'. She gave me options for when I wanted to have surgery (as opposed to some offices that just schedule it for you, whether it's a good time or not). Then she also helped me find a hotel in the area that fit my needs, and in the packet she send patients there was a lot of valuable travel information.
Traveling to Atlanta was a huge decision for me, and I was so nervous. The day before surgery I had my pre-op appointment. As soon as I walked into the office, I was immediately at ease. The woman behind the counter (I apologize, I don't remember her name] was so welcoming! The atmosphere was relaxing, and they had very comfy chairs and couches in the waiting area instead of those stiff waiting room chairs you normally find.
The nurse that took my vitals and lab work (Marilyn) was so friendly! She chatted with me the whole time and took time to listen to how I was really feeling. I didn't have to wait at all to see Dr. Sinervo, he was actually waiting for me. We sat down and discussed my symptoms, what we were planning on doing, and his opinion. He took a long time to explain everything, and answered every question I had from him. Then I was prepped for an exam and ultrasound, which Dr. Sinervo performed himself (my other OB/GYNs have all had someone else do the ultrasounds). DeeDee (nurse) was incredible! She got me ready for the exam, and then stood next to me and held my hand through it all. She actually brought me to tears because of how much of an interest she took in me and how she said that I deserve to be pain-free. Before we went on the move to the OR, Dr. Sinervo asked me if he could pray. I loved this. Once we were in the OR, Dr. Sinervo stood next to me, held my hand, and reassured me until I was asleep. For a doctor to take the time to do this for his patients is unbelievable.
I stayed overnight in the hospital, and Dr. Sinervo came in a couple times to check on me. They were willing to explain everything that they did to me then, but since I was so medicated, I decided to hold off until my post-op appointment. When I arrived at my post-op appointment, which was scheduled for 5 days after surgery, I felt like I was walking into a room of friends. Everyone was very interested in how I was feeling. I loved that every person in that office was so kind. DeeDee took me to a room again, and she spent a few minutes making sure that I was doing okay and that my pain was being managed well. Within minutes of getting in the room, Dr. Sinervo came in. He took a long time to explain everything that was done (exactly what we agreed to before surgery) and then listened to all my questions and concerns. I was thrilled that a doctor finally listened to me so much, and actually CARED. When the appointment was done, Dr. Sinervo gave me a hug and told me that I could call or email him any time I needed.
As for how I'm feeling, this surgery has been absolutely wonderful. Even with the pain from surgery, I still feel better than I ever have. I have no doubt in my mind that I made a good decision going to the Center for Endometriosis Care. In the future, I will not let any one else operate on my endometriosis.
I know my review has turned into a novella and is about the whole staff instead of just Dr. Sinervo, but I feel like this group of people deserve as many good words as I can give. Never in my life have I met such a wonderful group of people. Dr. Sinervo is not only a very highly skilled doctor, but he is a kind, compassionate doctor who truly cares about his patients. I would (and do) recommend him.
I was recently referred by a friend to Dr. Sinervo when I received a diagnosis of endometriosis. After having a laparoscopy that was diagnostic only because of extensive adhesions I called their office for an appointment, the office staff worked me in 3 days later. Dr. Sinervo took an excellent history and reviewed all my previous records before making any recommendations. He took time to explain all the options available for my diagnosis. I ended up having surgery the following week and was found to have Stage 4 endometriosis. He was able to do my procedure laparoscopically instead of having a laparotomy that I had been told would be required by other doctors. Having worked in medicine I know how difficult a laparoscopic procedure can be when there are major adhesions. His skill with the laparoscope is outstanding, there are extremely few surgeons that have his level of skill. All the office staff andthe team he uses at Northside to do his cases are very caring and competent. His assistant Wendy Winer is outstanding, she came and discussed the procedure and her role prior to surgery. Her closures would make any plastic surgeon proud. Dr. Sinervo answered all my questions and gave a full explanation of all he had done, he is very approachable and kind, you do not feel rushed when he sees you at your appointment. I would highly recommend Dr. Sinervo and CEC. After having been to other large OB GYN practices going to CEC wasrefreshing. The staff actually know your name and you are treated like a person not a number and a problem.
The BEST of the BEST!!
After being diagnosed in Ontario with Stage 4 Endometriosis, and being told by countless Doctors that I would have to wait between 7 and 9 months before anyone would be able to operate because of surgery schedules. I took my health into my own hands and started searching for help. I came across the Center for Endometriosis Care. I contacted the office and they immediately had me send in my information so that Dr. Sinervo could review my case. I was contacted by him by phone and a week later I had an appointment to see him. I friend of mine drove me down to Atlanta, and Dr. Sinervo was able to do an examination. Due to the ccross-border health care, I made an application to our Health Care System to seek Out-of Country Care, and they denied it three times. By April I was in so much pain and was beyond the point of no return, where medication was not even helping anymore, I was sleeping on an air matress, rolling on an exercise ball to ease the pain just to have a few minutes of relief. I couldn't wait anymore in Ontario so I phoned the Centre and they scheduled me for surgery in a week. I ended up having a hysterectomy and a bowel resection but I am happy to say that I live a pain-free life. Dr. Macik did my bowel resection, and they both made daily visits to my room to see my recovery progress Dr. Sinervo and his office staff are one step above the best, and are the most compassionate and caring human beings I have ever come across in my life. Not only did Dr. Sinervo give me my life back, he also testified for me at an Appeal Hearing with our Health Care System so that he could explain to them how extensive my endo was and how I couldn't wait. I have just received word that I won that appeal and they were very impressed with Dr. Sinervo's testimony and the knowledge he has of this terrible disease. He is absolutely my HERO, and I would recommend him to anyone who thinks that they have no way of living. I'm not sure who this Rosa E person is but you obviously are not talking about the same person that I know. This man gave me my life back so please keep your comments to yourself. If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all. If you offend him, you offend me. CHEERS TO THE CENTER FOR ENDOMETRIOSIS CARE!!
This center is wonderful! After being diagnosed with Stage 4 endometriosis and told I was going to end up with a colostomy bag and a hysterectomy, I decided that there had to be better treatment options and I did some research myself. After countless hours on the internet, I had read nothing but great reviews on Dr Sinervo at the the CEC. I decided to take my fate into my own hands and contacted them. I could not be more impressed at the speed at which they reviewed my records and told me what they thought they could do. Although they said it was severe, Dr Sinervo felt confident he could take care of my endo. So in December, I went to Atlanta for surgery. The pre-op visit was easy and laid back and Dr Sinervo made me feel so comfortable with my upcoming surgery. The next day I had surgery and while it was more extensive then expected and I also required a bowel resection due to endo invading my bowels, Dr Sinervo felt good that everything went well. After a 5 day hospital stay and a daily visit from Dr Sinervo, I was released from the hospital. Now 7 weeks later, I feel so much better and have recovered very well. I cannot express the relief and the hope that these guys at the CEC gave me. After nothing but negative outlooks from other doctors, Dr Sinervo used his expertise to treat my endo and he kept everything intact. So no colostomy bag or hysterectomy for me! I recommend this center to anyone who needs advanced treatment or had been told that there is nothing they can do besides invasive medicines. People like Dr Sinervo are a gift.
My surgery was nearly 15 years ago and I am still pain free. This place is a Godsend that restored my life. The staff is kind, compassionate and highly skilled. You can't go wrong if endometriosis is a part of your life by seeking care here.
Dr. Ken Sinervo is the most incredible doctor I have ever met. He has integrity and is very gentle and kind. He respects his patients. My first surgery, he removed ALL of my endometriosis - I was stage 4, I'm sure. In my second surgery, he confirmed NO endo had grown back (he had cured me!!!!) and he removed my ovary that had adhered to my pelvic wall and put it back in place. He is so incredible that he saved all my reproductive organs and my fertility is still intact to have children. If anyone has been told that Lupron is the only way to go, or has been through several unsuccessful surgeries for endometriosis - DON'T waste your time! Dr. Sinervo is the way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"My endometriosis diagnosis truly stopped my life in its tracks. From the initial in person appointment, Dr. Eugenio-Colon made sure my family and I understood my diagnosis and the potential possibilities given how complex my case was. After an 8 hour surgery and a 5 day stay in the hospital I finally felt this huge weight being lifted off my shoulders. Dr. Eugenio- Colon is extremely knowledgeable and thorough in his assessments. I appreciate how personable and compassionate he is during his course of care. Although my significant other and I had to make tough decisions in terms of future family planning, Dr. Eugenio-Colon was very respectful of our choices and did his absolute best for a successful future. I am grateful to him and the entire CEC staff for all of their hard work and dedication to their patients."
"He is the best doctor, very patient, doesn't mind explaining everything and answering questions."
"From my first appointment to my pre-op tests and exams, and from my 11-hour surgery to my post-op appointment, Dr. Eugenio-Colon’s care has been second to none. He’s an impressive educator, effectively sharing complex information in an understandable and accessible way. He’s an incredibly patient and skilled surgeon. But most importantly, he’s compassionate, personable and encouraging. During my post-op appointment, he said he always thinks ahead to the future during surgery. He asks himself, “What do I need to do today to set us up for the best outcomes if I need to come in and do another surgery? How can I leave things better than I found them?” And that’s what makes Dr. Eugenio-Colon great. That’s exactly what he’s doing every day for his patients — leaving each of us better than he found us. I’m eternally grateful for Dr. Eugenio-Colon and consider myself extremely blessed to be under his care. I know this surgery likely isn’t the end of my endo journey, but I’m much more confident in the future thanks to Dr. Eugenio-Colon."
"Dr. Eugenio-Colon is the most amazing doctor I could have asked for. When I was growing up I was told time and time again by my doctors that my symptoms were "normal" and refused additional testing. I hit my final straw when I was told that my pain wasn't worth surgical examination and that they'd just give me Lupron. I reached out to Dr. Eugenio-Colon's office without a referral and was treated amazingly right from the first call. Everyone is kind, supportive, and understanding. My first appointment was a shock to my system after years of subpar treatment. He sat with me in his office and talked me through all of my symptoms, why they might be happening, the potential causes, the treatment methods, everything. He showed me diagrams and comparisons of healthy vs damaged tissues. After my physical exam he even ordered me pain medication for me to take before my ultrasound to reduce the pain those caused me. He has a way of making you feel immediately comfortable and safe. He preformed my first surgery in 2019 and my second surgery in 2020. By the end of 2020 I was finally successfully pregnant and in 2021 I was able to deliver my incredible son naturally. I believe wholeheartedly that without this doctor I wouldn't have been able to conceive. Now we are planning to move forward with my hysterectomy since my family is complete and I couldn't be more thankful to have such a kind person to handle my care again. Thank you so much for everything you do!"
"Dr. Eugenio-Colon is an expert in chronic pelvic pain because he actually listens to his patients to put all the pieces of the puzzle together to formulate the best treatment plan & then executes the plan with an open mind, caring heart, & skilled hands. He puts quality of his patients lives first & foremost which is why I would recommend him to any woman or girl experiencing unexplained pelvic pain. Thank You, Dr. Colon, for choosing this specialty. Thank You for raising the bar of standards in women's health care. And thank you for treating me & my pain."
"Dr. Endometriosis (Eugenio Colon) is a life saver. After a botched hysterectomy and endo removal at my local hospital I found Dr. Endo online. A five hour drive and 10 hour surgery left me feeling alive again! He makes sure you and your family understand everything. Don't waste time, call his office now! Finally pain free!"
"Dr. Eugenio-Colon was outstanding and walked my wife and I through the long process of how to deal with and treat her extensive endometriosis. Dr. Eugenio was awesome in being very frank and candid and explained everything clearly and concisely. We had no second guessing and quickly made the decision to travel four hours to have the procedure done."