Education and Resources
Education and Resources
Our Center's educational library includes CEC articles, CEC guest features and links to external materials and events on endometriosis to help educate and inform your journey. Please be sure to also check out our social media accounts for the latest, as this is not an exhaustive list of all resources. We do not accept sponsorship or paid listings. Disclaimer: unless specifically authored by the CEC, inclusion herein does not indicate affiliation or endorsement; all items are provided for information purposes only.
Check out the new Roon Endometriosis Platform! Click here
Apps for endometriosis:
Lasa Health
Check it out: "Her Pretty Vagina" tackles endometriosis and HPV fears with dark comedy, evoking empathy for women's silent struggles. Protagonist Kaleigh's journey from pain to diagnosis is portrayed through several dissociative moments, culminating in a demand for the world around her to finally FEEL her pain. Learn more and support this film short here.
Give a listen/Have a Read:
Looking for the latest on adenomyosis? Click here!
Endometriosis Treatment Is Failing Patients. Why Aren't More People Talking About It? By Marisa Wright
Dr Sinervo joins noted Fertility Awareness Educator, Author & Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner, Lisa Hendrickson-Jack, on her Fertility Friday Podcast. Have a listen at: https://fertilityfriday.com/episode-495
EndoVille Adenomyosis Presentation and Q&A Session with Dr Jose Eugenio-Colon; enter passcode 9x0WNuA@
https://fb.watch/m8LL1PGcz1 Diaphragmatic endometriosis video and discussion by Dr Eugenio-Colon
https://fb.watch/m8LUQJA9DV Open discussion on endometriosis, adenomyosis and more with Dr Eugenio-Colon & the She Is Lotus Foundation (lecture series 3)
https://fb.watch/m8LYhchOA6 Adenomyosis discussion with Dr Eugenio-Colon and the She Is Lotus Foundation (lecture series 2)
https://fb.watch/m8L-qdvaer Endometriosis and more with Dr Eugenio-Colon & the She Is Lotus Foundation (lecture series 1)
https://fb.watch/m8M89NRU4u Dr Eugenio-Colon on Adenomyosis in partnership with the Trinidad & Tobago Endometriosis Association
https://endobattery.buzzsprout.com/2059225/12717073-talking-adenomyosis-international-care-and-advocacy-empathy-bowel-endo-and-expert-treatment-with-dr-jose-eugenio-colon Podcast on Endometriosis, Adenomyosis, International Care & Advocacy with Dr. Eugenio-Colon & EndoBattery
TODAY SHOW: This endometriosis treatment can be life-changing to late-stage patients. Few can get it
Georgia mom, teen undergo same surgery for endometriosis
Bioscientifica Presents: Endometriosis
Wondering what to ask your doctor? We have examples, with our own answers for your reference, in this guide: ”What Should I Ask My Doctor About My Endo Care?”
Your guide on what to expect for your surgery at the CEC, by Wendy Winer, RN, BSN, CNOR, RNFA, Victoria Novak, PA-C, and the CEC team
After Surgery: for general post-op Information (caring for incisions, what you can eat and much more), click here
A Ray of Sunshine series with Arti Shah - Listen here (stay tuned for an upcoming episode featuring Dr Sinervo)
How we can Stop Mistreating Endometriosis with Dr Sinervo
Dr Sinervo: endometriosis & the bowel
WebMD Magazine showcases Padma Lakshmi’s journey with endometriosis; contributions from Dr Sinervo
Endometriosis Summit Thoracic Night with Dr Sinervo
Interview with Dr Ken Sinervo on all things endometriosis
Is Endometriosis an Autoimmune Disease?
Women with endometriosis may face higher risk of stroke (with Dr Sinervo’s commentary)
Northside Hospital Presents: Breaking Down Endometriosis with Dr Ken Sinervo
Lumenis Gynecology on Minimizing Healthcare Resources & Increasing Outcomes: The CO2 Laser for Value-Based Endometriosis Surgery (Select the “on demand” playback)
EndoVille Adenomyosis Presentation and Q&A Session with Dr Jose Eugenio-Colon; enter passcode 9x0WNuA@
https://fb.watch/m8LL1PGcz1 Diaphragmatic endometriosis video and discussion by Dr Eugenio-Colon
https://fb.watch/m8LUQJA9DV Open discussion on endometriosis, adenomyosis and more with Dr Eugenio-Colon & the She Is Lotus Foundation (lecture series 3)
https://fb.watch/m8LYhchOA6 Adenomyosis discussion with Dr Eugenio-Colon and the She Is Lotus Foundation (lecture series 2)
https://fb.watch/m8L-qdvaer Endometriosis and more with Dr Eugenio-Colon & the She Is Lotus Foundation (lecture series 1)
https://fb.watch/m8M89NRU4u Dr Eugenio-Colon on Adenomyosis in partnership with the Trinidad & Tobago Endometriosis Association
Endobattery Podcast - Advocacy for Endometriosis: the Good, Bad & Necessary
https://fb.watch/m8MwQqjWwH - "Endometriosis: A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery Inside an Enigma"
https://endobattery.buzzsprout.com/2059225/12717073-talking-adenomyosis-international-care-and-advocacy-empathy-bowel-endo-and-expert-treatment-with-dr-jose-eugenio-colon Podcast on Endometriosis, Adenomyosis, International Care & Advocacy with Dr. Eugenio-Colon & EndoBattery
In Sixteen Years of Endo series with Amy Corfeli - Listen here
Triple J’s The Hookup: Adenomyosis - Click here
K&K real talk interview with Dr Sinervo and Kristen McRobie
Heather Huhman of Beat Infertility featured this important Podcast with Dr Ken Sinervo on Endometriosis & Fertility
Endometriosis: More to the story - Listen at iHeartRadio
Science with Soul: Endometriosis - iHeartRadio: Click here
The CEC is a proud sponsor of the Endo What? School Nurse Initiative
We have enjoyed working with URiGEM 2020, a team comprised of 12 highly motivated students from all over the world and a variety of biological and engineering disciplines. As participants in the International Genetically Engineered Machine competition, a synthetic biology competition where over 400 universities compete against each other to solve real-world problems through synthetic biology, engineering, and community effort, the University of Rochester iGEM team chose to tackle issues around endometriosis.
Endometriosis Legislation: Rep Jillian Gilchrest’s Endometriosis Working Group, on which we are pleased to be represented, has passed the first meaningful, bipartisan endometriosis legislation (2023).
Kate’s Story: An Advocacy Journey
Endometriosis: hidden suffering of millions of women revealed (The Guardian)
Does douching cause endometriosis?!?
Cosmopolitan endometriosis issue
Suffering in silence: The endometriosis crisis
“Ending the Endometriosis Nightmare”
Endometriosis Tippi by Everyday Health
Fractured Femininity: Endometriosis Treatment & a Failure Of Feminism
20 Years of Mysterious Pain Solved (Archived From Ladies Home Journal Magazine)
Finding Her Voice: Kathryn's Letter
15 Things No One Tells You about Endometriosis: Reader's Digest
Ending Endometriosis Documentary
Why Women Struggle to get the Right Diagnosis
'No trust left in the health system': Unbelievable misdiagnosis condemns woman to 16 YEARS of agony and 19 surgeries
Better Guidelines Needed on Endometriosis
"Managing expectations after hearing them say, 'I think I can help you'"
Just how terrible is endometriosis?
"Everything you need to know about endometriosis"
Newsweek & 'EndoWhat?' Documentary Bring Education & Awareness to Endometriosis
Who is Sampson, and What Does He Have to Do with Endometriosis?
Legal Issues - Endo & the ADA, guest feature by Laurie Smith, Esq.
Too Often, Quality of Life for Endometriosis Patients is Dictated by their Financial Resources
Endometriosis & Social Security Benefits by Molly Clarke
Women suffering in silence: The endometriosis crisis
Thanks to Shannon Cohn and EndoWhat?, endometriosis received Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program Research Funding for First Time in History in 2018/19 – and again in 2020/21 and 2022. The Office on Women’s Health also included endometriosis in their 2022 funding cycle and considered the disease again in 2023.
Dr. Sinervo on the case for surgery for endometriosis
Endometriosis morbidity: can it be prevented with early diagnosis and complete excision?
Pain Relief after Excision: What does Continued Pain Mean?
Post-Surgical Shoulder Pain: Why does this happen? What can you do about it?
Is My Endometriosis Coming Back?
Surgical Risks: What's the Big Deal?
Pain after Surgery: What You Can Expect
Questions about Ovarian Endometriosis? Click Here
The Cyst-Clopedia
Ovaries Post-Op: Suppress Them or Not?
Ovarian Remnant Syndrome by Dr Sinervo
Thoracic Endometriosis - the CEC, and in particular Dr Sinervo, treats among the highest number of thoracic and diaphragmatic cases annually of any endocenters, through our multidisciplinary team approach
Dr Sinervo and Dr Sarrel discuss thoracic endometriosis in an Endo Summit Live Event
Dr Sinervo’s feature on Diaphragmatic Endometriosis in the AAGL NewsScope Magazine
Can endometriosis affect the sciatic region?
Endometriosis & Fertility with Dr Sinervo
Common disorder that causes pain and bleeding can also make it hard to get pregnant — here's what to know if you're trying to conceive
Dr Sinervo explains: presacral neurectomy (PSN)
An uncomfortable topic we should be talking about: Post-surgical Constipation
Guest Feature by Dr Sallie Sarrel: Preparing for Pelvic Floor Therapy
Guest feature by Dr Jennifer Hunt: the Significance of Pelvic Floor Muscle Dysfunction
Understanding bowel endometriosis
Bowel Symptoms & Endometriosis
Health.com on Bowel Endometriosis
How to Survive a Bowel Prep
Endobelly bloat - a symptom of endometriosis?
Nutritional Resources from Sarah Rae, RDN, CD, LD, Pacific Northwest Endometriosis Nutrition
(see also: sarahraerdn.com or phone her Center at 564-669-7310)
Endo Nutrition Guide & Meal Plan
Nutrition for Endo Excision Surgery
Nutrition for Endo - Omega 3s
Managing Bloating with Endometriosis
Endometriosis: Unraveling the Role of Diet
Constipation & Endometriosis
Free Meal Plans & Snack Guides
Endometriosis & Nutrition Guest Feature by Erin Luyendyk, RHN
Use of bioregenerative medicine at the CEC: Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (Vitagel)
Adhesions Update
How are Hysterectomies Performed? How Does it Affect Recovery?
What are the Indications for Hysterectomy?
Why menopause won't cure endometriosis, fibroids or PCOS
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
Adenomyosis: Is It Really Endometriosis?
Endo & Abnormal Bleeding
Lots & Lots of Menstrual Clots
A Journey with Endometriosis & Adenomyosis
Guest feature by Dr Martha Boone: Interstitial Cystitis
CHANNEL 2 INVESTIGATES: one woman’s Lupron lawsuit and a critical look at the recently approved antagonist, Orilissa (elagolix)
“Of Limited Benefit, with Potential Risks”: ICER’s final report on Orilissa (elagolix) for endometriosis. “The Council voted that the evidence was not adequate to determine whether elagolix offers a net health benefit compared to no treatment. The Council also voted unanimously that the evidence was not adequate to distinguish the net health benefit of elagolix from that of treatment with either a GnRH agonist (leuprorelin acetate) or a hormonal contraceptive (depot medroxyprogesterone), due to limited and mixed evidence on clinical effectiveness and potential risks.” Full report: https://icer-review.org/announcements/elagolix-final-report/
Dr. Albee On...Lupron & other Suppressive Medications
Dr. Albee On...Using the Pill for Endometriosis
Self Advocacy with Endometriosis – by Jenneh Rishe, RN
Working with your local physician while seeking care at the CEC
Dr. Albee On... Going Back to your Doctor after the CEC
How race/ethnicity influences endometriosis
Myths & Misconceptions Perpetuating Racism in Endometriosis, Infertility, and Pelvic Pain by Casey Berna, MSW
I’m Black. I Have Endometriosis - and Here’s Why My Race Matters by Maisha Z. Johnson
Why Getting an Endometriosis Diagnosis is So Much Harder for People of Colour
Behind the times: revisiting endometriosis and race
A higher prevalence of endometriosis among Asian women does not contribute to poorer IVF outcomes
Disparity in endometriosis diagnoses between racial/ethnic groups
Emily Lipstein for Vice: Treating Endometriosis as a Woman’s Disease Hurts Patients of all Genders
Endometriosis and Being a Trans Person: Beyond Gendered Reproductive Health
Preoperative Pain Symptoms and the Incidence of Endometriosis in Transgender Men Undergoing Hysterectomy for Gender Affirmation
Living With Endometriosis as a Transgender Patient
Dysmenorrhea and Endometriosis in Transgender Adolescents
What it’s Like to Have Endometriosis as a Transgender Man
Managing endometriosis when you’re Trans By Jen Bell
It takes an average of seven years to be diagnosed with endometriosis. MomminWithEndo wants to make a difference. Their mission is to help people receive the endometriosis diagnosis and treatment they deserve by providing financial support. Learn more and apply: https://momminwithendo.org/get-help
EndoQueer Support https://www.facebook.com/groups/1655289847828418
Endo Siblings Support Group for Trans & Enby People with Endometriosis https://www.facebook.com/groups/175916623758244
End of Endo
Sister Girl Foundation
The Endometriosis Summit
Learn about the EndoWhat? groundbreaking endometriosis documentaries, research funding and Nurse Education Program
EndoInVisible is raising money for excision surgery. We are proud to have donated several cases from the CEC.
Barbados Association for Endometriosis & PCOS
Endometriosis Association of Iceland
Endo Educational Organization of Canada
Endometriosis Foundation of Kenya
Endometriosis Foundation of Houston
Endometriosis Support Group of Seattle
Trinidad & Tobago Endometriosis Association
Surgical Videos