Frequently Asked Questions
The Basics:
Please note we cannot respond to non-patient medical inquiries. We invite you, however, to register for your free review. Thank you for understanding. Our phone number is 770-913-0001. Our fax is 770-913-0005. Our general mailbox is admin@centerforendo.com.
The Center for Endometriosis Care
6105 Peachtree Dunwoody Road
Building B, Suite 230
Atlanta, GA 30328If you have any questions or need assistance, please call us anytime at 770.913.0001. See also: http://centerforendo.com/traveling.htm
Visit our Patient Forms section, where you can find copies of our policies in the respective ‘new patient’ packets.
“LAPEX” (coined by Dr. Albee in 1990) means “Laparoscopic Excision.” Excision is the surgical cornerstone of any effective multidisciplinary approach to this disease. Through high-quality, minimally invasive surgery, the disease can truly be removed – allowing integrative adjuncts (e.g., physical therapy, diet/nutrition, exercise, pain management, acupuncture, etc.) to facilitate maximum outcomes. Persistence and actual recurrence are actually quite low when endometriosis is thoroughly and meticulously excised from all locations.
While it is certainly not universally curative and not all patients are candidates for excision, our own historical tracking data demonstrates that an average of 80%-85% of the thousands of patients we have treated continue to improve in pain levels, symptom and overall quality of life as compared to their pre-surgery status with us. The chance of recurrence ofactual endometriosis following excision of the disease in our patients hovers around 10-20% and the overall likelihood of one of patients requiring another surgery is typically around 15-20% – which includes surgeries for unrelated factors i.e., hysterectomy for adenomyosis, for example, or adhesions and/or recurring non-endometriosis pain. These averages are based on follow-up intervals with patients who participate by responding to our requests and the cooperation of those who are kind enough to send us their ongoing health data including pathology and reports from any subsequent surgeries conducted elsewhere. Learn more about LAPEX here, and don’t miss this terrific guide on what to expect before, during and after surgery by Wendy Winer, RN, BSN, CNOR, RNFA. If you’re an existing CEC patient looking for our Follow-up Survey, you can access the form here.
The CEC does not promise a “universal cure” and never has. However, excision is the gold standard surgical method for removing endometriosis and is effective at removing the disease in a majority of cases. Most patients, following excision, find their pain is significantly decreased, or even completely resolved in some cases, for the long term. Like all centers of expertise in endometriosis, we do see a small group of patients with recurrent or persistent disease, but this is a far lower percentage as compared to the high persistence/recurrence rates in superficial surgery, which leaves disease behind, as well as with medical suppression (which does not actually treat the disease). It should be noted, as well, that not all pain is from endometriosis; that even removing all disease may not solve underlying issues in some cases; and that removal of endometriosis alone will not necessarily address other conditions which lend themselves to pain or symptoms. We do not use the word 'cure' in relation to our treatments and never have. Our goal is to improve lives. Excision is one - critical - part of the integrative approach to treating the disease.
To that end, we acknowledge that not all our patients will get complete relief from their surgery. Around 1 in 7 will still have pain from other generators - e.g., pain originating from the uterus, retroperitoneal fibrosis from undergoing many previous surgeries, pelvic floor issues, central sensitization, and others. We will always try to help our patients get to the bottom of the ongoing pain if surgery is not effective. Some may need injections, or even spinal cord and dorsal root ganglion stimulators, or other inteventions to get full relief - but even then, a small percentage will have pain that cannot be controlled with any modality. We do feel that early recognition and early effective excision still offer the best chance of relief from endometriosis pain, however. We work hard to address our patient’s individual concerns in a patient-centric, collaborative way to provide the best functional outcome for long-term relief and restoration of quality of life in that individual. We work with patients to ensure we are addressing the 'big picture' of their individual situation and routinely engage in collaborative referrals to make sure a true multidisciplinary approach is used.
We also strive every day to increase disease awareness, provide training, fight for access to treatments for all, and elevate endometriosis to a priority public platform in order to improve the time to diagnosis and effective, early - and proper - treatment for everyone affected. Through timely intervention, individuals can be diagnosed and treated sooner, avoiding the vicious cycle of repeated drug therapies and ineffective surgeries that routinely characterize the disease. By educating society, legislators, insurers and the public, and by training tomorrow's providers, we can empower patients and remove the ubiquitous barriers to care that continue to exist - and one day, make endometriosis a preventable disorder. In summary, though universal "cure" for every individual with the disease may remain elusive, LAPEX is part of the multidisciplinary armamentarium that can offer the best approach in the majority of cases. -
We do NOT have ANY paid or unpaid affiliations with ANY individuals, organizations, "group leaders," advocates, social media/support groups or industry partners. Dr Albee founded the CEC in 1991. Our owner & Medical Director is Dr Sinervo. We are an independent, private medical practice. While we are always very happy to be a constant collaborator in and supporter of various endeavors designed to achieve positive progress in the disease, we do not recommend or endorse any specific products, advocates, community leaders, foundations, individuals, companies, activists or otherwise, nor do we pay or compensate in any way, shape or form any individuals or groups to be included on any ‘dr referral’ list or marketing resource they may offer - and we never will. In summary: the CEC does not now, nor have we ever, paid for advertising or solicited/paid for referrals. If you have any questions about the CEC, our staff, our operations, our stakeholders or any other aspect of our business operations, be sure to check with the only factual source who actually has that information: the CEC.
The CEC was founded by Robert B. Albee, Jr., MD in 1991 as one of the world’s first endometriosis centers of expertise. We are led by Medical Director, Ken Sinervo, MD, who joined the CEC in 2001 and has been at the head of our practice since 2011.
There are many review sites on the Internet; RateMDs has several reviews, and see also: http://centerforendo.com/references.We do not pay for referrals or reviews. We appreciate those who share their experiences with us. Patients are free to share their experiences with our Center wherever they may like.
No, but you can check our resource list here for some suggestions to other caregivers associated with pelvic pain, health and wellness, infertility, PT and more whom we have either trained or collaborated with first-hand (inclusion therein ≠ endorsement or affiliation; provided for informative purposes only). We do not endorse or recommend any FB group doctor listings or ‘surgeon vetting’ sites. We are also not a primary care practice and as a specialty center, we do not provide primary care services. We are a surgical-based Center. You are strongly encouraged to maintain your relationship with your existing primary care physician and all your other healthcare providers including your local ObGyn, as your care with us will be specific to your surgery.
Of course. As advocates, we have an obligation to advocate for all. Please visit our Education & Resources page for more information on all things endometriosis, adenomyosis, adhesions and much more, including BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ dedicated resources. We uphold the mission to try and reduce the morbidity - and often progressive symptomatology - in ALL patients, including and especially when they don’t fit in some preconceived box of what people think endometriosis patients are supposed to look like or who they are supposed to be. All are welcomed into our patient family and to seek care here at our Center regardless of ethnicity, race, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, differences in ability, country of origin, education, and/or socioeconomic status.
Becoming a cec patient/records reviews/appointments:
Yes, and yes! Our patients have traveled to us for 30+ years from nearly 70 countries including the United States, Canada, Asia, United Kingdom, China, Japan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Brazil, Australia, Jamaica, Iceland, Egypt, South America, St. Thomas, Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Russian Federation, New Zealand and beyond. If you are dealing with endometriosis – or think you might be – we would be honored to try and help you restore your quality of life through our compassionate, expert treatment. You don’t need a surgical diagnosis or physician referral to be considered for care at the CEC, and it doesn’t matter if you’ve had a previous hysterectomy/oophorectomy. We are blessed to work with all individuals from every walk of life and backgrounds, and would be very happy to lend our opinion to your case. Our entire team is here to help you, so please reach out.
Yes, absolutely! We were among the first of the few specialty centers to offer free case consults since we opened our doors three decades ago. Please note a records review is NOT an appointment, for which there will be a cost. If you do not wish to undergo the free review and would like an appointment instead, please call 770-913-0001 to schedule a consult. Appointments are not made online. The records review process starts here. Once registered, you will receive your instructions, links/etc. to undergo the review process.
Once your complete and entire case file is received, your records will be reviewed and you will be contacted directly by the reviewing surgeon generally within a month. To find out if your records have been received, please call 770-913-0001. You will be contacted as the surgeon’s schedule permits by him directly. We do not schedule reviews.
Not all patients are candidates for surgery at the CEC. If we think we can help and you are accepted as a surgical patient, you will next be contacted by a CEC Surgical Coordinator to review finances, coordinate with other surgeons who may need to be involved in your case, and obtain your surgical date. Note that this process is intensive and lengthy; as a result it may take as long as 4-6 weeks post-review to hear from scheduling. If all information is not complete on your registration form, this will delay your case significantly. We are currently booking surgeries about 6-8 weeks out from this writing. Please understand there is no ‘cancellation list’ and we may be otherwise unable to offer you specific dates. Please note we cannot process case reviews on a ‘rush’ basis, though every effort will be made to accommodate the nature of your case. Thank you for understanding.
No. Please register first. Unsolicited files will be destroyed without notice. We MUST have registration data for you before we can review your case. Please click here for details. Thank you for understanding our need to adhere to our specific process in order to best serve your needs and protect your healthcare information and privacy.
One of two things: the packet went to your spam (very common) file, or your registration was not received. Please check your filter accordingly. If it is still not there, or you didn’t receive any email from our staff at all, please get in touch at Heather@CenterForEndo.com. We’ll be very happy to resend by email to another address.
No. The records review we offer is a courtesy. It is not intended to offer or replace medical advice in any way and should not be considered as party to any CEC doctor/patient relationship. We do not write any prescriptions until you are physically examined in our office in person, in accordance with the law. We do not provide narcotic or any other prescriptions prior to seeing any patient in the office. We do not ever write prescriptions of any kind for non-patients.
Please call 770-913-0001 to schedule; appointments are not accepted by email or online. We do not accept walk-ins. Standard fees apply to any office visits. Your specific charges, and any paperwork you will need to bring, will be discussed at the time of booking your appointment. PLEASE NOTE: 48 hours notice of cancellation of your appointment is required. If you cannot make your appointment for whatever reason, please call 770-913-0001 (do not email) to let us know within this required time frame. Failure to notify us in advance will result in a standard non-cancellation fee.
Yes. Please refer to https://centerforendo.com/telehealth and https://centerforendo.com/newpatients, respectively. We accept insurance as an out of network provider (click here for additional information). Out of network benefits are not a guarantee of payment for your office appointment, and while we will bill your insurance carrier as a courtesy, you are ultimately responsible for all costs associated with your visit.
Presurgical planning, costs & post-op - before & after your surgery:
Please know that no source other than the CEC can offer you actual specifics regarding your personal case with us. Please contact us directly to discuss your specific details, as it will not be the same as someone else on a Facebook group or the internet. Any party who is not on staff at our Center cannot comment on your case with any accuracy or authority, and such individuals do not speak for us or the specifics of your potential case.
With the above said, our philosophy is to help as many patients as we can. We work with people of all income levels, doing pro-bono or reduced rate surgeries where and when we can. Our goal is to work with everyone, no matter their ability to pay, so that we can help as many patients as possible. Our goal is to try and assist patients to the extent we can towards being painfree and if they desire, to preserve fertility whenever possible.
Please understand our fee does not include hospital costs or any other surgeon/First Assistant/anesthesia costs, as they are separate and outside our control, and we can only discuss our fees with you. You will be billed separately for other, non-CEC charges. We will, however, help you work with the hospital and others scheduled on your case to make it as affordable as possible. Once scheduled and your fee is contracted, you will be advised what your upfront costs are. Again – although we have capped fees, each case is different, so please discuss this matter with our offices personally.
While we have capped fees, we are unable to determine your specific fee prior to reviewing your case, as we need to know what is recommended for your specific treatment. Each individual’s situation is unique and thus is handled on private basis with the CEC’s Surgical Coordinators. Please know we strive very hard to make it a possibility for all patients to receive care with us to the extent we reasonably can, and thus fees can only be determined based on the specific patient’s review, their recommended procedures, their personal financial situation (which we are happy to try and work with) and insurance details. All patients are informed of their costs well before their surgery date, and contracts are issued with the amounts so there are no surprises. -
We do take insurance. This is one of the biggest misunderstandings we get asked about. We are an Out of Network (OON) provider in private practice, as are many other specialist surgeons across varied medical disciplines including endometriosis. This does not mean we do not take insurance – we do, as an OON provider. We are not “cash only” and never have been since we opened our doors in 1991. Subscribers who do not have out of network coverage in their respective plan are considered self-pay (and thus eligible for a potential discount). This includes TriCare subscribers. Please refer to our insurance article here for details.
Yes, of course, as noted above. Please discuss financial considerations directly with our Practice Manager after your case has been reviewed. A financial assistance application can be sent to you with instructions and details on the paperwork and materials needed to support your request. Given the number of pro-bono cases the CEC already performs each year and also donates regularly to established endometriosis organizations annually, please note that not everyone can be approved for one. Thank you for understanding.
No. If we think we can realistically help, we will work with you to try and make care with us a real possibility. However, there are various reasons why we may not accept candidates, ranging from surgery not being appropriate for an individual case to a patient being outside our surgical guidelines and risk factors. Submitting records for review is not a guarantee of being accepted for surgery at the CEC.
No. We know this is a costly inconvenience for the majority of our patients and it is not a requirement to schedule your surgery. We recognize the significant burden it places on patients and their families both in terms of time and expense; thus, we do as much as possible upfront via mail, fax and phone prior to actually requiring you to come in. Northside Hospital approaches our patient’s cases the same way and will do as much as they can before you arrive in Atlanta as well. The same is true for our collaborating colleagues.
Generally, 72 hours before your preop and 72 hours after surgery, but please be sure to refer to our policies and check your surgical paperwork that will be specific to your case. Note international patients may be required to stay up to two weeks in the Atlanta area depending on what is done during their procedures. You will be advised accordingly.
Be sure to check our website for area hotels and travel tips, and remember to ask for medical discount rates when booking. Note that travel costs are the responsibility of the patient and are not part of our fee. Also, we do not assist with travel arrangements, and you are responsible for your own transportation including to/from the airport and our offices/hospital. Please plan accordingly. -
Again, this varies based on the individual, but in general, our surgeries (with the exception of bowel resection, hysterectomy or other major component to your surgery) typically require a minimum 23 hour hold – this is considered outpatient. An overnight stay allows us to treat your post-op pain and observe you before sending you home in the morning. All procedures are done Laparoscopically, but should you have a bowel resection or VATS, for example, you will be held longer; approximately 72 hours. Again, these are general averages – each case is unique. You will be told how long you can expect to be hospitalized and have to stay in Atlanta post-operatively based on the specifics of your case.
Recovery is different for everyone, and it will largely depend on what you have done. Typically, you can expect around 2-3 weeks for acute post-op recovery; you may be able to return to light activities, work, school, etc. by then. Long-term, however, the internal healing process can take upwards of 1-3 months or even longer (and for those who menstruate, the first few post-op periods may be very painful!). Some patients will recuperate faster, others may take much longer. It also depends greatly on the actual procedures that have been done; for example, bowel resection, hysterectomy or other procedures may take much longer. As we remind our patients, it is a journey, not a race, and healing is not linear. Expectations will be discussed with each patient. You may also be interested in our Post-Op "Constipation" article.
If local or regional and cleared by your surgeon, you may be driven home once you are released, but remember: you will be in pain and we strongly suggest you to stop every 1.5-2 hrs to stretch your legs, use the facilities, etc. Longer drives are not recommended. For travel tips post-operatively, see our website travel page.
Unless you are specifically directed otherwise with regards to your own case, we merely perform a finger stick at your pre-op. Northside Hospital will advise you in your pre-op phone consult if there is anything they require. Any other specific tests that may be needed by our surgeons will be communicated to you directly on a case by case basis (e.g., MRI, thoracic imaging protocol, bowel imaging protocol, etc.).
Never. We always gladly honor, respect and uphold the wishes and beliefs of our very diverse patient population from around the world. Please note that Northside Hospital also respects the needs of and affords accommodations to our patients, including dietary restrictions/requests (e.g., Kosher, Halal, vegan, gluten free etc.).
Yes, of course. Please note, however, there is a minor administrative fee. Please call us to discuss at 770.913.0001.
Yes. These reports and videos/photos will be made available to you in your patient portal as soon as they become available so that you can print and share them with your local care team. Please read about reports and how the process works, and contact Alex with questions or if you need an unofficial copy for another physician before your formal copy is ready at 770.913.0001.
While we are always willing and eager to help our patients with all their needs, please understand we are a busy professional surgical practice focused on clinical patient care and have no time to research specific non-medical inquiries. You can find information about the area on the Perimeter Center Chamber of Commerce website.
As Dr. Albee says, ‘only if you want the surgery.’ The CEC requires all patients to bowel prep. Our prep typically involves a simple enema/oral laxative combination (click here for a copy of our Bowel Prep Instructions, but this will be addressed with you personally at the time of your booking. We know this isn’t pleasant, but we will try to help make it as quick and painless as possible.
-Many patients are menstruating on their surgery dates. This is not a problem whatsoever.
-Panty liners for a few days following surgery are expected; discuss the specific needs/expectations of your case with your surgeon.
-Nothing vaginally (including tampons) for at least the first 2 weeks or more, depending on your case.
-Intercourse; at least 2 weeks/minimum of 8 weeks if hysterectomy was performed.
-Swimming pools (not hot tubs) are likely okay after approximately 2 weeks.
All expectations and return to normal activity will be addressed with you personally at the time of your surgery. Typically, most individuals can expect around a 4-6 week post-op return to “normal” activity but again, this will be discussed personally with you based on your own case and the procedures performed (e.g., longer for bowel resection or other types of procedures). For post-hyst patients, the time to return to normal activities increases to between 6-8 weeks. Your surgeon will advise you personally based on the nature of your situation. -
This will be discussed with each patient personally. There are, however, a number of supplements and medications all patients must come off prior to surgery, however, not everyone will need to stop all their current therapies. This will be reviewed with you at the time of your surgical booking. GLP1 patients (compounded and name brand): you MUST come off Ozempic, Mounjaro and ALL/ANY related drugs no less than 2 weeks prior to your surgical date due to slowed gastric emptying and subsequent risk of aspiration, in accordance with the guidelines from the American Society of Anesthesiologists. GnRH patients specifically: you will need to come off Lupron/Orilissa/Zoladex/Synarel/MyFembree etc. therapy at least 6 weeks prior to your surgical date. CBD/THC (i.e., edibles) must be stopped two weeks prior to surgery as well. Other supplements/medications will be discussed with you on a case by case basis.
Generally, partners/loved ones may be able to spend the night with you chair-side – always at the discretion of your nurse. For policy regarding children, see http://www.northside.com/atlanta. HOWEVER, please check with the hospital regarding current policies.
As much as we wish we could, our staff works in, has privileges at, and maintains operating rooms at Northside Hospital campuses. We do frequently lecture, teach and present at medical schools, universities, public health depts, nursing schools, hospitals, numerous professional and organizational events and more, however. If you would like to have us speak or present at your meeting, support group or other local resource, please just reach out and let us know!
As noted above, please check your portal to print out your records.
We do not fill prescription requests via email or fax. Requests must be made by the patient verbally via phone at 770-913-0001 during business hours, well in advance of the prescription running out (*72 hours minimum notice*). We will not write or refill any medications in any other way. There will be zero exceptions to this legal requirement. Prescription refills are e-prescribed; in the event a paper copy must be shipped, patients are responsible for the cost of sending any written prescription ($25 two-day; $50 overnight). Again, refill requests must be made well in advance of the prescription running out, so that we have the time necessary to process your request. PLEASE BE ADVISED: CERTAIN STATES DO NOT ACCEPT PRESCRIPTIONS FOR CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES FROM OUT OF STATE PHYSICIANS. Please check your state’s policy.
You need to call us and notify us as soon as possible. Email/posting on social media/Facebook or the internet is not an acceptable or effective means of communication regarding your personal healthcare and you MUST speak with a medical team member as soon as your symptoms present following surgery by calling the office. Please also do not ask others (unless they are your parent and you are under 18, your legal partner, or your patient advocate/caregiver with written, notarized proof to confirm such status) to email, call or write us on your behalf. We will not discuss patient cases with anyone except the patient and/or their legal representative. Our phone number, monitored 24 hrs a day 7 days a week, is 770-913-0001. Our nursing desk can be reached at ext 106. It can take upwards of three months on average post-excision to heal completely; possibly longer in some cases. Though you may return to “normal”/limited activity within a few weeks, internal healing takes much longer. Discuss with your surgeon realistic outlooks for your specific case.
**Please NEVER contact staff via social media (including FB messenger) or by public group postings, as we cannot protect your privacy via such means of contact and will not respond to public postings with information about your specific case. All requests regarding your care must be directly appropriately to our offices. There are no exceptions to this. Thank you for understanding.
We recently received a question from a patient who had seen on a certain “Facebook group” that the CEC implemented our social media policy in order to “censor patients” and further, that we have patients “sign an NDA” (non-disclosure agreement). Neither point, claimed by an uninformed individual who has never been treated by our Center, is true. To clarify and confirm: CEC patients do NOT “sign an NDA” and we have NEVER had any such mechanism in place since our Center was founded in 1991. Suggesting otherwise is patently false. We DO suggest to our patients that they safeguard their financial and surgical paperwork in order to protect their privacy and medical confidentiality. That is not an “NDA” - that is a privacy measure.
As for claims about ‘social media censorship,’ you can read the policy for yourself anytime, as it has been on our website and signed by our patients since it was implemented over fifteen years ago in accordance with AMA and other institutional guidelines. Our social media policy IS NOT about patients “reviewing” our Center - anyone who has been treated by us can review us anywhere, outside of our Center, anytime they wish. We have no control over such things. It is, however, about how patients should conduct interactions with CEC staff on the web and social media. This is NOT an “NDA” or ‘censorship’ - it is an instrument informing patients that they should not be ‘inboxing’ their surgeon or tagging them in FB posts or on Instagram to ask personal medical questions or refill prescriptions. Patients who sign it agree and understand that the best way to discuss their personal health matters is with their physician directly - not via social media and Facebook groups, as we don’t conduct business there.
To further expand on this topic:In accordance with recommendations from the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), most responsible hospitals, physicians and health care organizations, including the CEC, the American Medical Association, American College of Physicians, Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic and many others, have all developed Social Media Policies. The policies are designed to guide proper patient-physician communication and interaction on social media, and above all, to “protect privacy and confidentiality of patients, avoid situations in which online medical advice is requested” and “to make patients aware that information they post online may be available to anyone and could be misconstrued.” Specifically: “physicians are discouraged from interacting with current or past patients on personal social networking sites such as Facebook. Physicians should only have online interaction with patients when discussing the patient’s medical treatment within the physician-patient relationship, and these interactions should never occur on personal social networking or social media websites.” For example:
-Patients should not share photographs of sensitive medical data (records/photos) featuring their home address, billing information, phone number, etc. on social media - this does NOT mean you can't share your surgical photos and operative notes! They are yours to share. But before you do, make sure your DOB, phone number, social security number or other sensitive information that may appear is blocked out. This is for your own safety - not 'censorship'.
-Please do not post to a Facebook group requesting our attention for your personal medical situation. We do not conduct patient business on the web or social media, and will not respond to personal medical inquiries directed to us in such a manner. Patients must call our office directly just as you would any other physician or health practice.
-Patients must follow up with staff personally so we can try and help if issues arise; posting to a private social media group but not notifying our office about your issue does not enable us to offer any care or follow up.
-Individuals must never post or ‘inbox’ a third party’s medical information to us for any reason, with or without that third party’s permission. Patients or their legal representatives must contact us directly themselves.
-Patients must not ‘text’ or ‘message’ our surgeons for prescription refills. Please call the office and refer to the paperwork you have been given by our staff previously. All refill requests require 72 hour notice, no exceptions.
-And again, patients should not post their personal financial contract or other procedural information found within our surgical paperwork on the worldwide web. This is for your safety and privacy and to protect the confidentiality of both the Center and the patient.These are all real examples of situations that have actually occurred; our guidelines are about safety, not censorship or “NDAs.” Our policies have never stated that patients cannot share their personal experiences with others, nor have we ever had any NDA mechanisms in place. Claims to the contrary are false and lacking in ‘The Truth.’