About the Award-Winning Center for Endometriosis Care

About Us

Welcome! Thank you for considering the Center for Endometriosis Care (CEC). Since our founding in 1991 by gynecologic surgeon pioneer, Dr. Robert B. Albee, Jr., we have had the privilege of caring for thousands and thousands of patients with endometriosis and related gynepathologies from 70+ countries. Our Board-certified surgeons are experts in endometriosis and minimally invasive gynecologic surgery. Get to know us and check out a few of our references.

To begin, it’s important to understand that integrative care is needed to fully address the systemic components of this disease. For those patients in whom surgery is indicated, excision surgery - LAPEX - can serve as the surgical cornerstone of a successful, multidisciplinary approach to endometriosis, but most importantly, those with endometriosis need and deserve to be heard.

Too often, patients have been dismissed as 'neurotic whiners' or ‘menstrual moaners’ and told the pain was in their head. Their questions were ignored, their challenges unanswered, their requests for help unheeded. Many have been told there is no hope, that their disease couldn’t have possibly recurred, or that they are beyond treatment. Here at the Center for Endometriosis Care, this is simply not the case. Our goal is to believe you and treat you with respect, validation and compassion. We ask that you become partners with us in your care. We will take this shared journey together and help you find answers. We appreciate your trust.

Our Approach

The CEC is based around four founding principles:

  • Recognizing and treating all disease in all manifestations with our multidisciplinary team, including complex and extrapelvic;

  • Excising endometriosis from all areas, while preserving healthy tissue and organs;

  • Performing pathological examination (biopsy) on all excised tissue; and above all else -

  • Treating patients with respect and compassion as true partners in their care.

We specialize in comprehensive Laparoscopic Excision. As endometriosis is rarely present alone, we also provide treatment for secondary gynepathologies as well, including but not limited to fibroids, adhesions and adenomyosis. The CEC multidisciplinary surgical team also treats among the highest number of complex, extrapelvic and thoracic/diaphragmatic endometriosis cases annually. The CEC considers it an honor and a privilege to serve the needs of all those in the endometriosis community.

While there is no absolute/universal cure for endometriosis, there IS hope. We want to help, and are honored to provide continuous, compassionate care long after our patients leave Atlanta.

Statement of  Inclusion:
The Center for Endometriosis Care (CEC) fosters a culture of mutual respect. Our diverse team is highly reflective of the global community we are proud to serve and incorporates the broad skills, experiences and capabilities which can only be achieved through intentional inclusion.

Get started with the Center for Endometriosis Care today!