Traveling from Overseas for Your Surgery
There were two things I knew about the state of Georgia, USA - R.E.M hailed from Athens, and the CEC was in Atlanta. While the music of R.E.M was accessible, travelling to see Dr Ken Sinervo seemed to be out of reach, he did not tour as R.E.M once did! I have known of the CEC, Dr Robert Albee, Dr Ken Sinervo and Heather Guidone for a number of years now and have seen many of my online acquaintances travel there for surgery and regain their quality of life. It was something I considered too far away, out of reach and for women with more complex endometriosis than I had. After 7 previous surgeries for endometriosis, suspected adenomyosis and chronic pelvic pain, I decided to research my options for travel. Excision surgery with a skilled and experienced surgeon gives the best chance of improving quality of life. I had been advised by pain specialists not to proceed with any more pelvic surgeries, yet I knew that endometriosis remained. My symptoms had changed very little in the 30 years since my first period, despite all the ablation surgeries, hormonal treatments and pain medications. I had been through a number of procedures for pain control costing thousands of Euro. All without lasting benefit, some leading to more pain and suffering and long term damage.
I spoke to Heather and Dr Sinervo about my options and submitted my records for review, following a call from Dr Sinervo - a surgical plan was devised - all I needed to do was get there! As a non US citizen, I did not hold insurance and my own insurance would not cover any of the costs outside of the EU. I applied to my bank for a loan (having done this multiple times in the past for surgeries). They obliged. Beth at the CEC made the paperwork easy and within weeks I was on my way. While I understand this is a large financial commitment, it was one that was worth every cent and in the years since my surgery, it has saved me thousands annually in doctors and prescriptions fees. I will no longer need repeated ineffectual surgeries/treatments which were adding up to €14,000 annually.
Work out your own current outlay, loss of earnings due to sick leave, loss of quality of life, loss of independence and look at the gains - less sick time, less repeated treatments, less medications, less money spent in the longer term. If this was a beloved friend or family member, you would put them forward. You need to consider your own health and well-being as important as those you care for. Surgical and travel costs will vary; discuss your individual case with the CEC team. Give special consideration to your travel partner; you will need to factor in the additional flight cost. It is essential to have someone who can support you, cook, help with shower, pop to shops, be there for the surgery etc. They will need to be with you for the duration of your stay.
I cannot recommend Dr Sinervo, Heather and all the team at the CEC highly enough. Their surgery and care have revolutionised my life. You will read so many glowing reports, and it is only when you experience it first hand will you actually believe. When you enter the CEC offices - there are numerous awards and accolades to Dr Sinervo and the team. The level of care and attention, the dedication, the experience and the absolute devotion to the better care of patients is down to the passion of Dr Ken Sinervo. The purity of his beliefs and his ego-less approach to surgery is refreshing and reassuring. The staff at the CEC office are professional, caring and comforting. You are put at ease no matter if you travelled 10 miles or 10,000. You will feel at home. You will be cared for and can leave all the decades of pain and suffering at the door - you will not need it for the return flight. The care I received at Northside Hospital was second to none - the staff were helpful, professional and dedicated. It is the cleanest hospital I have ever visited; they have an electronic patient record, which means you can apply for a PDF copy of your whole record after discharge. This will contain all the details of your visit.