COVID-19 Policies

Updated covid protocols currently in effect as of winter 2024

Please read the following carefully, and in full, to understand how we are continuing our response to the covid-19 pandemic in order to address the needs of all our patients while still upholding recommended/required protocols and the highest of safety standards in the interest of our patients, staff and the greater community. As this is an ongoing and fluid situation, with many updates being implemented often, please be sure to call our offices directly to confirm the latest updates. We will continue to keep our patients and visitors updated on our latest policies, timelines, protocols and other important details on this matter as they become available to us in accordance with the hospital and the cdc. Thank you!

Masks are required in the cec office at all times.

Please be advised of northside hospital’s faq on covid: click here

See also northside’s covid updates: click here

Please note the following protocols also in effect for all patients:

If you or someone close to you has a fever/chills, cough or shortness of breath and/or had known exposure to any respiratory illness, do not come to the office; instead, please call us at 770-913-0001 for guidance.

Vaccinated individuals/vaccine information:

All patients will need to discuss the matter of vaccinations with their local personal physician; however, in general:

Pfizer vaccine: cec patients will need to wait until 2 weeks after administration of the final pfizer vaccine before undergoing surgery with us.

Moderna vaccine: cec patients will need to wait until 3 weeks after the final moderna vaccine before undergoing surgery with us.

This includes the boosters if you have received one.

Patients may also choose to have surgery before being vaccinated. In those cases, patients must wait to receive their vaccine until 4 weeks after surgery with us.

While vaccination is not required before surgery or an office visit, masks are mandatory of you and your accompanying caregiver. There are no exceptions. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.

Traveling to the cec for surgery (all patients):

All north american patients are required to stay in the atlanta area for a minimum of 72 hours (3 days) post-operatively; please ensure that your travel plans are inclusive of these requirements. Note that post-operative length of stay cannot be guaranteed, and you may require a longer stay. Flexibility is strongly encouraged. International patients may be required to stay up to two weeks depending on the nature of their case; patients will be specifically advised as to how their long stay in atlanta will need to be. All patients must be sure to familiarize themselves with the current travel restrictions and protocols for the usa or the country of origin.

Patients and their accompanying caregivers are expected to self-quarantine/socially isolate at least two weeks prior to surgery as well as upon arrival to atlanta, and again post-operatively to limit further potential exposure as much as possible. Masks should be worn at all times when in public by both patients and caregivers. As a reminder, masks are required in our office at all times. This helps protect you and your loved ones as well as our surgeons and staff.

Please note: all cec have been instructed to welcome and greet our patients only with smiles, nods and waves - no fist bumps, ‘selfies’ with staff, elbow bumps, hugs or handshakes, please. All patients are required to utilize the hand sanitizer we provide when entering our offices. Of course, our office is continuing to employ the heaviest of sanitizing measures, as we always have, throughout our common areas and offices for the safety of all patients and their loved ones.

Again; masks are required of all parties, and all patients and caregivers are expected to quarantine as noted above prior to surgery. If you use mobility aids and you and your caregiver require additional assistance to access our center, please let us know and our team will be very happy to help. Please note our corporate complex has a wheelchair accessible elevator on site as well.

Acceptance of risk:

Please be advised that although every precaution is being taken by our team to mitigate the risk of exposure, including our own staff routinely being tested as well as patients, this is an ongoing and fluid matter. There are some aspects we simply cannot control and as such, there is always a small potential for contracting the coronavirus. By proceeding with your appointment(s) and procedure(s), you indicate your understanding and acceptance of this minor risk and agree to hold the cec harmless from any liability, loss, damage or injury without limitation relative to the covid-19 pandemic.